Forum THNS 2016
Le Forum THNS a été organisé dans le cadre du CINEV qui s’est déroulé du 9 au 11 décembre 2016 à Shenzhen (Chine).
Les organisateurs de ce forum sont :
– TONGJI University
– Chinese Center of Urban Development (CCUD)
– the Foundation Prospective and Innovation (chaired by Jean-Pierre Raffarin)
– Europ-Expo
– the Municipality of Shenzhen
– URBA 2000
Le programme de la partie mobilité est indiqué dans le lien ci-dessous.
Le Forum THNS 2016 est organisé en application des accords suivants :
– Accord intergouvernemental sur les transports signé en novembre 2015, dont les initiatives françaises sont coordonnées par Michel ROSTAGNAT (membre du CGEDD du MEM)
– Accord entre le CCUD (Chinese Center for Urban Development) et la Fondation Prospective et Innovation présidée par Jean-Pierre Raffarin, signé en mars 2016 à Paris. Le CCUD, qui dépend de la NDRC, coordonne les initiatives chinoises dans la coopération Europe-Chine. Cet accord a confirmé la co-organisation des Prix Euro-China Green & Smart City Awards qui seront remis au cours du Salon CINEV
Appel à communication
Les thèmes abordés pour chacune des sessions sont :
– Railways as the core of Intermodality
– From location based services to connected/autonomous vehicles (persons or freight)
– Short distance travels in megacities
– New tools for traffic management
Le détail des thèmes figure dans le fichier joint.
Railways as the core of Intermodality
UIC’s role to reduce the global carbon emissions and to promote railway in the world
Marc GUIGON, UIC Senior Advisor Passenger Transport
The main areas to serve the global railway community through UIC are as follows : Promotion of railway in the world, cooperation with over 100 institutions (UN, world bank, Ecosoc…), strategic (...)  
Chengdu International Railway Service
Effects of Rail Transit Proximity on Commuter’s Co2 Emission in Suburban Area of Shanghai
Pan Haixiao Tongji University Shanghai, China ( and Wei Peng Wuhan Urban Planning Bureau, Hubei Province, China
Current situation and development prospect of Shenzhen railway transportation hub construction
The presentation is composed of Three parts :
– Current situation of Shenzhen railway transportation hub
– Development prospect of Shenzhen railway transportation hub
– A few (...)  
From location based services to connected/autonomous vehicles (persons or freight)
Will robots be good drivers ?
Jean-François JANIN, membre de l’Association Urba 2000 et Hervé de Tréglodé, CGEDD
There are already robots on roads. No driver ? Drivers in the distance ?
Are the robots able to improve road safety ?  
Vehicles of future : electrical, shared, connected, autonomous
ADAS, connected and autonomous vehicle
Short distance travels in megacities
From mobility to accessibility : reinventing chinese cellular urbanism
Georgina André, doctorante en géographie urbaine à l’université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – laboratoire UMR PRODIG, en convention CIFRE chez Arte Charpentier Architectes ; doctorante en aménagement urbain à l’Université de Wuhan - Institut de design urbain).
Given the extending travel distance, the short distance refers both to the “last mile” and the proximity travels. It encompasses a large scale of issues, from territorial, social, land to (...)  
New tools for traffic management
Advanced Mobility in Brittany
Caroline Pauwels graduated with an MBA from Solvay Business School in Belgium in 1988.
BMA, for "Bretagne Mobilité Augmentée" (Advanced Mobility in Brittany) is a project launched in 2012 by the Chambers of Commerce of the Brittany Region, with the financial support of ADEME, the (...)  
Building Transport System Suitable for Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic
FU Yan, Chongqing Transport Planning Institute
How to respond to air quality pressures associated with electric vehicle in cities ?
Qijie Zhang, Engineer for information system development around air quality numerical models, Aria Technologies
To date, a new environmental attention focuses on the relationship among traffic management, urbanization and pollution control. Several European cities want to improve the consideration of (...)  
Review and Perspectives of Sino‐French Transport Cooperation of Tongji University