Détail article

Adapting to the sustainable mobility development : the trend and the training


As co-founder and president of the AFCDUD (NGO) since 2008, Dr. K.S. Liu has been :

 Enthusiastic and dedicated to the vision and the cause of Ecological Civilization, GreenTech and Public Welfare for Urban Sustainable Development ; and promoting with his team the concept of Smart City Green Life (Ville Intelligente Vie Ecologique — VIVE) facing to the challenge of new urbanization !
 Promoting technically & politically the development of an Urban Comprehensive System platform (Transport / Mobility, Energy, Environment, Urban planning, Civil Engineering, ICT, Smart City, etc.) and the development of a Think Tank Platform (Experts/consultants, Wiki, et.) with Global System Approach.

For the above main objectives, organizing more than 60 conferences, 12 bilateral meetings, 18 technical visits, 10 survey/interviews, 5 innovation working groups, 3 training courses, etc. collaborating with + 150 partnaires over + 25 cities, benefiting more than 4,000 people.

This presentation begins with a brief review of the trends in urban travel sustainability in China and Europe, green, digital, autonomous, smart, open, shared and coordinated. To understand these new trends and the opportunities and challenges they bring in city life, industry, innovation and entrepreneurship. Employment transformation and talent training need to respond adaptively to support and lead the development of the industry ; there is necessary to launch a proposal to work together with the concerned stakeholders (government, universities, enterprises, associations) to create an ecosystem through training program to build up knowledge, talent tanks so as to promote the sustainable urban mobility development.

Document joint : Kaisheng LIU    14.8 ko