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Artificial intelligence transportation demand analysis ; Technical and economic model of motor vehicle flow in France : Prospect of management strategy


Biao YIN is currently research associate at the City Mobility Transport Laboratory (LVMT) in Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC). He obtained his Ph.D. in Automation from Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, France, in 2015. Then, as post-doctoral research associate he took part to the ANR-VITE project and the Geolytics project at ENPC-LVMT (from 2016 to spring 2018), before joining the Engineering Division of New York University Abu Dhabi for the rest of 2018. His research interests include data science for mobility analysis, land-use and transport integration modeling, adaptive traffic signal control, connected and automated vehicle control, and artificial intelligent algorithms.

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