Car sharing in Paris Region : efficiency of financial incentives
Mr Dany Nguyen-Luong manages currently the Department Mobility and Transports (team of 14 people) of Institute Paris Region. He has worked for 20 years on transport modelling and economic assessment of transport projects. He has extended his expertise on land use-transport integrated modelling and agent-based modelling, and has conducted research on modernization of household travel surveys. More recently he was involved in new researches on new mobility (ridesharing, carsharing, transport on-demand, MaaS, autonomous vehicles). Mr. Nguyen-Luong graduated as civil engineer from Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (France) and he got also a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University Paris-Dauphine (France). He is also a senior fellow from the Johns Hopkins’ University in Baltimore.
The results of an experimentation conducted by Ile-de-France Mobility, the Transport Authority will be presented. In Paris-Île-de-France Region (12 M people, 12 000 sq km), the last known figure (HTS 2010) of the car occupancy rate is 1.30 for all purposes and only 1.05 for home-work. So there is a huge potential in carpooling to reduce car traffic if you manage to increase significantly the car occupancy. IDFM conducted from october 2017 to june 2019 an experimentation, with a dozen intermediation plateforms, of a monetary incentive to encourage carpooling (2 € per trip limited to 2 trips per day). The main result is that the monetary incentive is not attractive enough, in view of the constraints (detour, uncertainty about the return, fear of the unknown), to generate the famous critical mass which is necessary to turn carpooling into a massive mode. Other incentives such as travel time reduction seem more interesting with, for example, dedicated HOV lanes.